Sunday, July 11, 2010

One Year

Today marked the one year "anniversary" of my life-changing accident. I thought today would be a lot harder than it was. Instead of dwelling on the past, we all celebrated how far I have come. I owe thanks to my parents for being there for me during the bad days and the good ones. My sister and bro-in-law have given me endless support and love. Without my family, I would not be where I am today. I also feel lucky to have such amazing friends.
The day started off with my girlfriend, Lindsay, coming over to spend this very important day with me. Even though we have only been dating a short while, she is a big part of my life.

Tom (bro-in-law), Molly (sister), Jack and Finn (nephews) also came over for a feast of lobster and king crab legs. Everyone decided that today should be a day to be celebrated instead of a day of sorrow. The day was spent enjoying good food and good company.

As the day came and went, I sat wondering when the moment was going to come where I would break down remembering last year's tragedy. At about 9:15 pm, my mom brought me the computer and told me to watch the video on the screen.

That was the moment.

As I watched the slide show of my progress over the last year, I was overcome with sadness, pride, and joy. The pictures in the beginning of the slide show brought me back to hell. It was extremely hard to look at but it was my reality at that time. Seeing where I was a year ago, to where am I today, fills me with appreciation and happiness for where I am sitting now. Thank you Molly for creating the slide show.

It was the perfect way to end my day.


  1. Love, love, love that you have started a blog. I will follow it faithfully! NEVER GIVE UP!

  2. Brendan. Amazing progress. I am so glad to hear everything is going well. Sean Ambrosie

  3. Right on Bubba! Blogging is a piece of cake. I have written two of them. Keep it up.

    Thomas Demma
